Sunday 14 October 2012

Presentation Business Plans - A Simple Process

please find below a link to the presentation 'Business Plans' from Friday, 12 October 2012.

& it would be wonderful if you could post and reassure me that you can actually get to the powerpoint presentation this way.  

what I had to do was:
1.  put the presentation onto SkyDrive - something associated with my hotmail account it seems
2.  go into the presentation on SkyDrive and click on 'share'
3.  choose how to share the presentation - three choices -
 - for anyone who has the link to be able to read it
-  anyone who has the link can read and edit the presentation
- publically available

I went for publically available.  Someone, anyone, please tell me it worked.

Many thanks.  (photo of a lime hawkmoth just to make the page more interesting)

Starting Getting Hawkmoth Started

on Friday, I gave a presentation to the Women of Wandsworth (WOW) Enterprise Group about business planning.  I have set up this blog to share that presentation with the WOW group - and anyone else who wants to read it - and to share my experiences setting up Hawkmoth, an online training company.  This is an idea I have been playing around with for sometime, and right now I need a kick up the bum to get it going.  The blog will put some flesh on the bones of the presentation because I will be talking about going through the process of setting up a business, engaging with social media on its behalf, making its website etc etc - and, because its me, reading and reviewing books about setting up businesses & talking to people about this. 

I have set up a business before, a PR company specialising in hi-tech early stage companies.  It had proper offices in the centre of town (Leicester Square - I gave Paul Raymond money, I was his tenant) and employees (got up to 17 at one point + various advisers like a company secretary on consultancy).  my PR company lasted 10 years, so it got past that 3 year limit - most new businesses get shut or go bust within 3 years, possibly because that's plenty of time for people to realise that being self-employed doesn't suit them, possibly because people don't plan properly, possibly because they don't have enough capital, possibly possibly ... ours not to reason why, it just is.  

now I've got to work out how to put the presentation on the blog ....